Organization name
Benitolink Inc.
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Community , Ideas
829 San Benito Street, Suite 200HOLLISTER, CA 95023
BenitoLink needs your support so we can continue to give you the kind of coverage you have come to expect from us year-round. Each story costs money to produce and yet we consider this information vital to a strong and vibrant San Benito.
With your help we can provide the investigative reporting that we know you appreciate. "Continue your efforts of 'keeping them honest'," wrote a BenitoLink reader recently. We know you care about the elected officials representing local districts, transportation, education and want current information about our rapidly changing county. Our growing staff of professional journalists are appreciated for their careful and yet accessible approach.
BenitoLink was created in 2012 to both inform San Benito County residents and facilitate participation in community engagement. It is both a place for dependable information you can trust and a platform for civil, diverse community discussion. We want to hear from you.
Donate to BenitoLink and together we will make San Benito County a more informed and engaged community!
Organization name
Benitolink Inc.
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Community , Ideas
829 San Benito Street, Suite 200